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October 15, 2020

Several states to decide on the legalization of cannabis on Election Day

Several states will decide on the legalization of cannabis this election day. Montana, Arizona, New Jersey, South Dakota and Mississippi all have ballot initiatives legalizing the use of marijuana for medical, recreational or both purposes. Polling results predict a good outcome for legalization at some level in all of these states. In the past several election cycles, ballot initiatives have been a very successful tool for the legalization of marijuana at the state level. 

The U.S. Small Business Administration calls out the U.S. Department of Agriculture on its regulations regarding domestic hemp production. The SBA goes so far as to claim that the USDA’s rules have already stifled the industry, especially the small business owners and producers involved in industrial hemp. Will the USDA finally listen and rethink the regulations it issued over a year ago?

Read the full article here at CBD Association.

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